Sarahhoyw's Blog

Blogging Reflection

The process of blogging throughout the entire read of Macbeth has been an interesting learning experience. By carefully looking at each scene’s observations, and then later analyzing its significance on character, theme, and conflict, we are able to interpret the play of Macbeth so much easier than if we were to just read, or make notes.

The analysis of the third act on plot was rather tedious, because there was quite a lot that needed to be included for every scene- a brief summary, traffic of the stage, ordering/arrangement of action, and usage of dramatic irony. All this needed to be completed for all six scenes in the act, making it fairly difficult and repetitive when there wasn’t much to comment on or analyze.

The analysis on the fourth act of language/music would have to be the post I had the toughest time with, because I found it challenging to correctly analyze Shakespeare’s use of diction, and its effect on character or the play. The difficulty in tracking language or music is that it was something we had to go back and look for if we weren’t paying close attention the first time around, which could sometimes be troublesome and annoying. Additionally, sometimes with the use of Shakespeare’s diction, it is uncertain to audiences what he wants to portray, thus making it hard for us to interpret its suggestive meaning on tone, feeling, etc.

The analysis of characters in the last act seemed to be easier to blog as I found it more straightforward and to the point compared to other aspects of the play. Perhaps it is because it was the last act, so readers/audiences already have a fairly clear idea on the nature of every character, making it less difficult to comment on their effect on the play. We are able to refer back to previous acts and analyze its effect on the characters, and make comparisons on before and after. For example, in Act 5 Scene 1 where Lady Macbeth hallucinates the bloodstain on her hands, we are able to relate to her character in the beginning of the play and how that’s different from when she first saw the blood than in the end.

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